The Tre Project
Digital Media Project
Completed 2015
Tre – a Cornish word for 'Home/Homestead'. Using archive film as its inspiration and 'home' as its theme, the Tre Project collects old cine footage, creates digital content and produces a programme of new films to screen in community venues across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Tre created new short films using archive worked with schools and community groups toured tailor made film programmes of archive and new Cornish films to over 20 communities across Cornwall and Isles of Scilly exhibited and presented talks in various venues including galleries and museums.
For more information visit the project blog
Back Time - Penzance
The project also collaborated with BBC Video Nation. Turn Market Jew Street in Penzance has a long and interesting history which has been explored by community filmmakers as part of the BBC's Turn Back Time project.
Community filmmakers worked with Video Nation, CSV and awen productions to help local shopkeepers and traders tell the story of Penzance high street.